Japji sahib lyrics with meaning
Japji sahib lyrics with meaning

In the preceding Pauries Guru Nanak explained and exalted Suniye – the art of listening. It is for this reason that Guru Nanak explained in the very first Pauri that God ( ik Onkar) cannot be comprehended or realized by thoughts, even if one was to think a million times. In thinking (a mental activity) the process oscillates from one strand of thought to another. However, the primary focus in Guru Nanak’s verses is on manan or contemplation. Depending on how the word is used, it signifies mind ( mann), contemplation ( manan), obedience and belief ( manne).

japji sahib lyrics with meaning

In Pauri # 12 through 15, the word Manne is the prominent expression.

japji sahib lyrics with meaning

Such a name (state) becomes (is) flawless

japji sahib lyrics with meaning

Continued from “Suniye – The Art of Listening – Japji Sahib – V”

Japji sahib lyrics with meaning